Duvall Creek Environmental Trust (DCET) - A Chesapeake Bay Preserve

DCET Goals and Benefits

DCET Area Map

Duvall Creek Aerial Photo

Current Rapid Shoreline Erosion

DCET Quarterly Report

Contribution Form


For more information on how to support the protection and restoration of Duvall Creek , email info@duvallcreek.org



County Grants $1.8 Million for
Local Creek Project

Annapolis, MD
Community efforts resulted in funding for Creek dredging and restoration. The Anne Arundel County Capital Budget has planned $172,000 in FY 2006 for planning and $1,587,000 in FY 2007 for dredging. Local involvement has already encouraged the Hillsmere Watershed Study which has been completed under County contract with McCrone Inc., and is the first step of the County Capital Program to restore the Creek. Community requests to advance the scheduled dates will be considered only if new money is secured.

Residents of the communities surrounding Duvall Creek, which joins the South River, have formed the Duvall Creek Environmental Trust (DCET). DCET will provide a forum for combining and developing community ideas. The goals of the Trust are 1) to advance the FY 2006/7 date for the planning and construction of the Creek
Restoration, 2) to monitor and maintain those improvements and 3) to form a governance body that would promote the future ecological health of the Creek.


Thomas Pt. Lighthouse


Items of Historical and Natural Significance (future upgrade)